If you help us out, you can win a FREE medium-sized guestbook of your choice! Here's how it works. Vote for us on our Martha Stewart page, then head over to our "Rafflecopter" link to enter our raffle. The raffle assigns you points for certain actions: if you "like" us on Facebook, for example, you get 1 point. If you voted for our Martha Stewart page (we're relying on the honor system), you get 5 points. So voting gets you more raffle points! Here's the best part! You can vote for us on Martha Stewart every day, AND you can enter our raffle every day. So the more you vote, the more you enter the raffle, the higher your chances to win a free beautiful guestbook! Our raffle will be open as long as the competition voting is open (through October 13th.) Thanks so much for your support of Bleu de Toi!
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This (or any!) BDT guestbook could have your name on it! |